Hi Folks! This is already my 5th collection I released! Due to lack of time this collection was made in a hurry, and so it contains this time "only" some requested unreleased (and maybe a bit old) stuff. I hope you like the ASCIIs`n ANSIs, if so (or if not) feel free to tell me your opinion! erhm... I really got nothing to say! Just a few greetz toooooo.... .......Mad,Qwert,Enigma,Gunman,Tomahawk,NoS!,Pizza,Phoenix,Mrsed,Dr.Acid, Hardball,L.O.g. ... and sorry if I forgot YOU! 8) (I know there`s one missing.. but who??) That`s all for now, now watch da shit :) signing off: miracle/face^5 ohh...... sorry dr.acid, this was the place to put your ascii into, but i guess i lost it, but next time ! =)